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💜🕷💜 NEWS – “Incy Wincy Spider”

💜🕷💜 NEWS – “Incy Wincy Spider”

two cartoon spiders dangling on threads
“Do you understand why people are scared of us?…”

Hey there, hope you’ve all had a great week.

Well, love ‘em or hate ‘em, we have to deal with ‘em.  Spiders!  I either let them go on their merry way or, if they are HUUUUUGE, I trap them in a plastic cup and let them go on their merry way OUTSIDE of my house.  I have to be careful as I’m allergic to spider bites, so gently does it for me.

Best thing to do with something you’re not too sure about, or afraid of, is to find out as much as you can about them.  Here’s a start with a little video all about our eight-legged friends.

Check out the website at or our Facebook page on Wednesday for a video explaining why we shouldn’t be afraid of them.

Something else that people don’t like are dandelions, which is a real shame.  They have been used as edible and medicinal plants for many hundreds of years, but even if you can’t stand the thought of eating dandelion greens in your salad, give a thought to the bees.  Especially, the red-tailed bumblebee who is the laziest of the bees, they prefer to graze on one large flower, i.e. a dandelion, as opposed to flitting from flower to flower.  They’re not really lazy, they are just super-efficient with their time and energy levels.

Here’s an article from the Guardian highlighting their usefulness.

And to round off the week, we have #fridaycraftmorning making this adorable moving spider.  You have to admit he’s rather cute.  No???  Aww poor spidey.

spider made from craft paper

Come on though, you can’t help but LOVE Lucas! ❤❤❤

Yay!  New episodes, I’ve missed him.

Don’t forget that on our website, you’ll also find a round-up of environmental news on our How To’s page,

I hope you have a great week and until next time, stay safe, stay well and try being a bit kinder to spiders??? Don’t forget if you have any great drawings of spiders, share them with us on our Facebook page

Lots of love from Yvonne, Bubble and #TEAMPricklyHedge

front page of Spring workbook with cartoon purple bird on branch singing with trees in background