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๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŽ™๐Ÿ’œ NEWS – HOW Many Spines Do Hedgehogs Have??

๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŽ™๐Ÿ’œ NEWS – HOW Many Spines Do Hedgehogs Have???

squeek the hedgehog sneezing

I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s the third month already.  Itโ€™s starting to feel like Spring, March 1st is always a sort of watershed for me, I feel energised and upbeat, the dark months of Winter are drawing to an end and with it a lot of our animals will be coming out of hibernation, especially bats, dormice and hedgehogs.  More on hedgehogs later, but I love to try and promote how we can all recycle more and this week, we have a great video giving you ideas for 20 projects you can get your teeth into for recycling.

Thereโ€™s some really great ideas in the video, I especially like some of the gift bags and clever use of newspapers and those tea light holders are something else.  I bet they smell gorgeous.  Have a watch and you try anything snap a picture and share it with us on our Facebook page

Now back to those hedgehogs, hopefully, if theyโ€™ve survived the Winter, they should be making an appearance around now.  They are in such small numbers in this country now, we need to look after as much as we can.  Here are 5 super cool facts about hedgehogs.  So HOW many spines do hedgehogs have??

Of course, the humble daffodil will be starting to make its presence known in our gardens and waysides this month.  They are one of my favourite flowers, I absolutely adore all Spring flowers, especially hyacinths, but daffodils never fail to cheer me up.  Just a small bunch of them in the house lifts my spirits immensely.

So, on our recycling theme, our craft video this week is all about making daffodils from egg cartons.  Motherโ€™s Day Card??? Perhaps?

You can catch that video on Friday this week on the website and also on our Facebook page.  We should have quite a few here at Prickly Hedge, theyโ€™ve already started to push up from the ground giving us that much-needed promise of Spring. #fridaycraftmorning

Don’t forget that on our website, youโ€™ll also find a round up of environmental news on our How Toโ€™s page,

I hope you have a great week and until next time, stay safe, stay well and keep recycling and helping to keep our planet healthy.

Lots of love from Yvonne, Bubble and #TEAMPricklyHedge

front page of Spring workbook with cartoon purple bird on branch singing with trees in background