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πŸ’œπŸŽ™πŸ’œ NEWS – Dormice – Too cute for words!

πŸ’œπŸŽ™πŸ’œ NEWS – Dormice – Too cute for words!

dormouse picture

As a kid I had hamsters, both of whom, if I recall, I called Hammy.  Original, eh!? I never had a mouse or a rat or anything like that, but I did love hamsters, I would sit and watch them going round in their wheels for hours and I loved laying sunflower seed trails for them and seeing how many they could stuff in their faces before staggering back to their nests.

Mice and rats aside, however, I have a distinct passion for Dormice, they are toooo cute for words and this week is dedicated to them and our hope to help save our Hazel Dormouse, but first off, let’s learn a bit more about dormice here

Check the website on Wednesday to see the video on how to help them.  The link is

You can also check out the conservation work this couple are doing in their woodland.

Also start to keep a look out for anemones coming up in the garden, they are usually planted in the late Summer/early Autumn for Spring flowering, but there are a few varieties, dependent on where you live, that can still be planted in Spring.

These are wood anemones though, so keep an eye out when you’re out walking too.

Wood Anemones

Don’t forget that on our website, you’ll also find a round-up of environmental news on our How To’s page,

And a little #fridaycraftmorning for the kids. Doris the Dormouse – soo cute. Hopefully that will keep them amused for a little while at least. Check it out on the Facebook page or the website on Friday. As ever, if you make anything, drop a picture on the Facebook page, we’d love to see them.

I hope you have a great week and until next time, stay safe, stay well and watch out for anemones this week, see how you can help the Hazel Dormouse survive and show us your pictures of Doris!!

Lots of love from Yvonne, Bubble and #TEAMPricklyHedge

front page of Spring workbook with cartoon purple bird on branch singing with trees in background