latest news

❤🎄 ❤ NEWS – First Peek ❤🎄 ❤

Hello everyone, how are you all?

Happy New Year to you all.

Definitely feeling the Sunday blues in our house today.  Not that we had a busy Christmas, we certainly didn’t with Omicron around but my week is out of kilter now.  I’m convinced it’s Tuesday and need to be putting the recycling out – what am I like?

Anyway been busy finalising the book, the layout of both the paperback and the Kindle should be with me today for checking and signing off.  Exciting!  I truly am proud of this book and I hope you’ll love it just as much as I do.

As I say, launching on 7th January, 2022, it will be around £5-6 on Amazon, not sure yet until the book is finally uploaded and I see what Amazon intend to charge to print it, but it should be around that price.  Let me know what you think.  Do you like it, will you consider buying it for your little one?  Also, I don’t think I mentioned this, but a donation will be made for every book sold, to Badger Trust West Midlands, so raising funds for a good cause too.

Let me know on the Facebook page. As ever, if you make anything, drop a picture on the Facebook page, we’d love to see them at Prickly Hedge FB Page

Don’t forget that on our website, you’ll also find a round-up of environmental news on our How To’s page, Prickly Hedge NEWS

Happy New Year and until next time, stay safe, stay well and don’t forget to let us know if you make any of our craft items.

Lots of love from Yvonne, Bubble and #TEAMPricklyHedge

front page of Spring workbook with cartoon purple bird on branch singing with trees in background